Cookies Policy

A cookie is small text file that is stored on your browser when you visit almost any website. Its purpose is to remember your visit when you browse on that website again. Cookies usually store technical information or information related to personal preferences, personalised content, statistics on use, links to social media, access to users’ accounts, etc. A cookie’s aim is to adapt the content of the website to your profile and needs, without cookies the services provided by any website would appear noticeably reduced.

Types of Cookies used

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained via the ‘cookies’ are processed, the website may use:

  • Technical cookies. These allow the user to browse the website or application and use the different options or services it contains. For example, control the traffic and communication of data, automatically log on, access restricted areas of the website, save the details of an order, carry out requests for registry or participation in an event, use security features while browsing and store content for the publication of videos or audio.
  • Personalised cookies. These allow the user to access the service with some general pre-set characteristics on their device or set by the user him/herself. For example, the language, the type of browser they are using to access the service, the design of selected content, the geolocation of the device and the regional settings where the service is being accessed from.
  • Advertising cookies. These allow the advertising spaces on the website or application the service is provided by to be efficiently managed. They allow the advertising content to be adapted so that it is relevant to the user and to avoid showing advertisements the user has already seen.
  • Statistical analysis cookies. These allow website users’ behaviour to be tracked and analysed. The information recorded by this type of ‘cookie’ is used to measure the activity of websites, applications and platforms and to draw up browsing profiles on the users of these websites, in order to improve the service according to the data on user’s use.
  • Third party cookies. Some websites contain third party ‘cookies’ which allow the services provided to be managed and improved. For example, the statistical services of Google Analytics.

Disable or delete Cookies

The user has the option to allow, block or delete the ‘cookies’ installed on their device in the browser’s settings:

Internet Explorer™ :Versión 5

Internet Explorer™ :Versión 6

Internet Explorer™ :Versión 7 y 8

Internet Explorer™ :Versión 9


Google Chrome™

Mozilla Firefox™


Windows Phone


Additional information

  • Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or truthfulness of the privacy policies that the third parties mentioned in this cookies policy may have
  • Web browsers are the tools meant to store cookies and you must then exercise your right to delete or disable them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect use of cookies on the part of the aforementioned browsers.
  • In some cases it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget your decision not to accept them.
  • In terms of Google Analytics’ cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and endeavours not to share them with third parties, except in cases when it is necessary for a system’s operation or when obliged to by the law. According to Google they do not save your IP address. Google Inc. is a company that complies with the Safe Harbour Principles which guarantee that all data transferred will be processed with a level of protection in accordance with European regulation. If you want more information about Google’s use of cookies we provide you with this link.
  • For any questions or queries relating to this cookies policy do not hesitate to contact us at with “COOKIES POLICY” as the subject..

Updates our Cookies policy

We may update our website’s Cookies Policy, which is why we recommend you check this policy every time you visit our website, in order to be properly informed on how and for what purpose we use cookies. The Cookies Policy was last updated on 7th November 2016.