In accordance with article 10 of the Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July, governing information society and electronic commerce services, our details are set out below:

CIF (Spanish VAT number): 214578370015
BUSINESS ADDRESS: C/ Osvaldo Rodríguez, 5340, Montevideo
TELEOPHONE: (0034) 652 937 642

Intellectual Property

The source code, graphic design, images, animations, software, text as well as the information and content contained on are property of SEYMAWIND and it is forbidden to reproduce and/or publish this website, totally or partially, as well as to computer process, distribute, publically communicate, modify or transform it, without prior written permission from SEYMAWIND

The user may use the material on the website only and exclusively for their personal and private use, and using it for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activity is forbidden.

Terms and conditions of use of the website

Use of the website implies full and unconditional acceptance of all of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published by SEYMAWIND at the time the user visits the website. The user must therefore carefully read this Legal Notice. SEYMAWIND may modify or update, without forewarning, the information contained on this website, along with its settings, layout and terms and conditions of access.

SEYMAWIND does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in the access to or content of the website, neither can it guarantee that it be up to date, although it will make every effort to avoid, amend and update these errors in such an event.

The user is obliged to use this website in accordance with the law and this Legal Notice, as well as with ethics, generally accepted good practice and public policy.

SEYMAWIND guarantees that all the content and services provided on respect the principles of human dignity, non-discrimination against race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance, as well as the principle of child and youth protection.

SEYMAWIND will endeavour not to carry out false advertising via this medium. Formal or numerical errors that may appear in the content of the different sections of the website will not be considered false advertising. SEYMAWIND will endeavour to correct such errors as soon as they become aware of them.

SEYMAWIND will endeavour not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such, in accordance with the contents of the Spanish Law 34/2002, governing information society and electronic commerce services. Any information sent to clients by SEYMAWIND for which the purpose is to maintain an existing contractual relationship between the client and SEYMAWIND or carry out information-related tasks and other activities inherent to the service the client has hired from the company will not be considered commercial communication.

Access to this website as well as any use that may be made of the information it contains is the exclusive responsibility of whoever it is carried out by. SEYMAWIND will not be responsible for any consequences, harm or damage that may arise from such access or use of information. SEYMAWIND is not responsible for any potential security issues that may occur in the user’s computer system (hardware and software) or any files or documents stored on it, as a consequence of a virus on the user’s computer used to access the services and content of the website, of a malfunctioning of the browser or the use of non-updated browser versions.

Any link provided by third parties to this website should be to its homepage.

SEYMAWIND and the user, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, submit to that of the courts of law of the user’s place of residence for any dispute that may arise from access to this website. In the event the user is not a resident in Spain, SEYMAWIND and the user submit, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the courts of law of the city of Madrid (Spain).

Browsing the website is anonymous, only information on the number of visits, times, etc. is recorded in the historical files or logs for exclusively statistical purposes.

Data Protection Policy

The aim of our privacy policy is to respect the legislation in force on personal data protection (Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December). If you have any questions about the confidentiality or processing of your data you can contact us at the address indicated above.

The data you provide us with through the contact form or via email will be included in a computerised file by this company or others within SEYMAWIND, who implement the necessary security measures for its rightful confidentiality. Your data will only be used for the purpose requested and only information related to the activity or purposes for which the data were provided will be sent.

In accordance with the contents of the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, you may exercise your rights of access to, rectification, cancellation and the right to object by writing to the address indicated above, according to articles 5 and 6 of the aforementioned Organic Law.

Users guarantee and are responsible for, in any case, the truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity and validity of the personal data provided.